May Nerd Block – Review / Unboxing

nerdblock1It’s Nerd Block time! My favorite time of the month. This month’s theme was Anime. As a big Anime fan I was thrilled about the news and couldn’t wait to receive my Nerd Block.

A first look into the box and I am already more than happy.

What we got: A Gundam shirt, Frieza Funko Pop, Attack on Titan cinch bag, Cowboy Bebop Bandana, Totoro Buttons & an Evangelion manga.

As always – Let’s start with the shirt. It’s a Gundam shirt! I think this is my favorite design so far. I totally love it.

A closer look on the image.

A Frieza Funko! This is actually funny, because a few weeks ago the Nerd Block team asked on twitter what we’d like to see in the Anime box and I tweeted that I’d like to get a DBZ Funko. Wish granted! As a huge DBZ fan the sight of Frieza made me shriek. I love him! You could either get Frieza, Cell or Piccolo. A+!

Attack on Titan
cinch bag. I LOVE Attack on Titan! It’s such a great Manga and show, but since it’s rather new I didn’t expect Nerd Block to have a AoT item in the box. You guys really surprised me! Love the bag.

Cowboy Bebop
was one of the first Anime I knowingly watched. Totally love the show and the bandana is great. I’m so going to wear it.

Look at all the cute Spikes, Fayes, Edwards, Jets and Eins! Adorable.

Every single item leaves me surprised. Evangelion! Who doesn’t love Evangelion?

buttons! I adore all the Studio Ghibli movies. So well chosen.

Conclusion: ★★★★★ (5/5 stars)
Really, it can’t get any better than that. Nerd Block surprised me with a perfect box full of Anime treasures. I was really nervous about the theme, because it’s easy to go for the wrong things, but Nerd Block managed to make me shriek of happiness. All the items were so well chosen and somehow they managed to capture all my favorite Animes in this little box. SORCERY! The value in this box is incredibly high and this is Nerd Block‘s trademark. You really get something for your money. They make us geeks happy.

I love Nerd Block to bits.

Want your own Nerd Block? Make sure to visit their website and register! You won’t regret it.
